1,000 more voices: Williamsburg and the presidential election
Students waited in long lines Tuesday for the chance to cast their ballots in the city of Williamsburg. Voter turnout in the city increased by over one thousand people — and students at the College of...
View ArticleStudent Assembly commission reorganizes presidential debate
With campaigns for Student Assembly elections underway, candidate posters are plastered around campus while Facebook pages continue to gain “likes.” The next step in the election process: the debate....
View ArticleSA candidates: Carlton Smith and Christopher Johnson
In the summer of 2011, Carlton Smith ’15 and Christopher Johnson ’15 both attended the “Preparing for Life as a University Student” program before beginning their careers as freshmen at the College of...
View ArticleSA candidates: Trevor Parkes and Liz Hernandez
With “Listening to You” campaign posters scattered around the College of William and Mary campus, a Kickstarter initiative called “TWAMPstart” released through social media platforms, and one week of...
View ArticleSA candidates: Colin Danly and Kendall Lorenzen
Even after a week of campaigning, Colin Danly ’15 and Kendall Lorenzen ’15 are still eager to discuss their platform and explain their plans to improve the College of William and Mary if they are...
View ArticleSA presidential debate leads to discussion of mental health, diversity, security
To kick off the week leading up to Student Assembly elections, presidential candidates Colin Danly ’15, Carlton Smith ’15 and Trevor Parkes ’15 participated in a formal debate Monday in Commonwealth...
View ArticleSA candidates discuss platforms, participate in debate
Tuesday’s debate allowed candidates to clarify their platforms and discuss campus issues with audience members. Read more about the platforms and the debate here. Debate To kick off the week leading up...
View ArticleGovernment professors discuss election results, predict future of...
Government professors at the College of William and Mary held a lecture on Thursday, Nov. 17, with one goal in mind: try and explain what happened with this year’s presidential election. The lecture...
View ArticleLevine, O’Dea discuss mental health, multicultural organizations in SA...
Monday, March 20, Student Assembly presidential contenders Elijah Levine ’18 and Chairman of the Senate Danny O’Dea ’18 took the stage to debate on the central tenants of their platform and share their...
View ArticleFormer FBI Director James Comey ’82 discusses integrity, ethics in career
Friday, March 15, James Comey ’82 returned to campus for a talk about integrity and politics. Surrounded by government majors sitting throughout the rows of Tucker Theater, Comey discussed his...
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